Our lawyers keep up with the latest trends and issues in New Zealand law and business, and regularly publish articles and reports on current topics.

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Are Your Neighbours' Trees or Hedges Blocking Your View?

Written by Mark Sullivan, PARTNER on July 11th, 2012.    

The story usually goes something like this……. You bought a house because you fell in love with the view. However, over the years, the trees grew or a new structure was erected that not only obstructs your view but also casts a shadow over your property. It could be affecting your health or garden and your enjoyment of your home.

2012 Developments Under the Personal Property Securities Act

Written by Caroline Harris, PARTNER; Mark Sullivan, PARTNER on July 2nd, 2012.    

During the first half of 2012 the Courts have delivered a number of decisions that will be of interest to Insolvency Practitioners and commercial creditors who deal with the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (PPSA).  This update summarises the more significant decisions.

Assessing Your Customers' Credit Risk: New Changes to Credit Reporting Law

Written by Mark Sullivan, PARTNER; Caroline Harris, PARTNER on May 21st, 2012.    

Changes to the Credit Reporting Privacy Code from 1 April 2012 mean that better credit information is now available for businesses wanting to assess the credit risk of their customers.  New Zealand has moved to a “positive” credit reporting system which will provide a more complete picture of a customer’s credit history and performance.   

Notes for Directors - Will I Make a Difference or Lose My Shirt?

Written by Mark Sullivan, PARTNER; Darryl King, PARTNER; on May 1st, 2012.    

The recent recession has brought about a sea change in the way that we look at the role of a company director and directors’ liability. It is no longer seen as a comfortable position of power and control but it attracts the real risk of personal liability for a director. In addition, proposed changes to company law criminalise breaches of certain directors’ duties in an effort to increase accountability and protect investors.
Topics: All, Business, Litigation

Picking up the Tab - When Do Employers Have to Cover Employees for Losses or Expenses?

Written by Glenn Finnigan, PARTNER on April 23rd, 2012.    

The law in New Zealand places a duty on an employer to indemnify their employees for costs/ liabilities which arise during the reasonable performance of their duties.  The duty to indemnify is not open ended.  An employer may not have to meet an employee’s employment related costs or loss if those are as a result of the employee’s own negligence, breach of duty or general fault.
Topics: All, Business, Employment

The Australian PPSA

Written by Darryl King, PARTNER; on April 2nd, 2012.    

The Australian Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (the Australian PPSA) is now in force. Like its New Zealand equivalent, the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (our PPSA), the Australian PPSA and PPS Register profoundly change the way that security is taken over personal property. The change will be significant for New Zealand businesses who supply goods to Australia on credit.
Topics: All, Business

So You Want to Buy a Business?

Written by Darryl King, PARTNER; Richard Wilson, CONSULTANT on March 1st, 2012.    

This paper sets out an overview guide for those looking to acquire a small or medium-sized business by purchasing the assets of the business.
Topics: All , Business

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