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High Court decision in $157 million Gore Street Apartments claim

Written by Mark Sullivan PARTNER; Amy Davison SENIOR ASSOCIATE on July 24th, 2024.    

The High Court has issued its liability decision in the $157 million defective building claim brought by the Body Corporate and owners of Gore Street Apartments. The decision is something of a one stop shop for the current word on a wide range of key defective building claim issues.

Lifting the lid on NZS 3910:2023

Written by Mark Sullivan PARTNER; Oliver Denny LAWYER on May 9th, 2024.    

The new industry standard for construction contracts has arrived and its name is NZS 3910:2023. This latest evolution aims to lower the number of special conditions, improve understanding of obligations and clarify risk-allocation. Read on for the important changes.

Construction Update: Construction Contract Act Amendments Imminent

Written by Mark Sullivan, PARTNER on August 4th, 2016.    

The Construction Contracts Amendment Act came into force on 1 December 2015.  The first round of amendments are already in force and largely do away with the distinction between residential and commercial construction.  ​The next round of changes are due to come into force on 1 September 2016.  

Building Law Update: Changes to the Building Act 2004

Written by Mark Sullivan, PARTNER on February 2nd, 2015.    

The Government has made significant changes to the Building Act 2004 (and supporting regulations) which will affect the way you interact with your customers. These changes came into force on 1 January 2015 and carry some hefty penalties for non-compliance. If you are a builder, plumber, electrician or tradesman involved in residential construction, these changes will apply to you.

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