Our lawyers keep up with the latest trends and issues in New Zealand law and business, and regularly publish articles and reports on current topics.

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Record fines reinforce importance of compliance with consumer protection laws

Written by David Alizade PARTNER; Darryl King PARTNER; Janice Lamont LAWYER on November 30th, 2023.    

Significant penalties are being used by the Courts to ensure businesses both correctly market their goods and services and maintain adequate processes and systems to ensure that promises to customers are carried out. 

In this article we discuss recent cases involving breaches of consumer protection laws. These cases include two where record penalties were imposed by the Court. We also discuss some key learnings for businesses to ensure they comply with consumer protection laws.
Topics: Business

Navigating the Impact of Inflation on Commercial Contracts

Written by David Alizade PARTNER; Darryl King PARTNER; Jennifer Paterson SENIOR ASSOCIATE on November 30th, 2023.    

After decades of low inflation, New Zealand finds itself in a high inflation world where rapid price rises have become the new normal and many businesses are suffering from margin compression. Many longer-term contracts have been negotiated with little thought about the possibility of high inflation returning. Some will become difficult or unprofitable to perform. By being proactive, businesses can take steps to protect themselves from the negative effects of inflation and margin compression.
Topics: Business

Controversial ESG directors duties bill passes into law

Written by David Alizade PARTNER; Darryl King PARTNER; Janice Lamont LAWYER on November 28th, 2023.    

A bill expressly allowing company directors to consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors has passed into law despite strong opposition during the select committee process.

New Disclosure Requirements under the new Privacy Amendment Bill

Written by David Alizade PARTNER on November 28th, 2023.    

The Privacy Amendment Bill (Bill) was recently introduced to Parliament at the beginning of September 2023.
The public will have an opportunity to have its say on the Bill by making submissions to the Justice Select Committee in 2024. As proposed, the amendments highlighted in this update will come into force on 1 June 2025. Further information on the Bill can be found in this link.
In this update, we summarise the key amendments proposed under the Bill and what organisations will need to do to comply with the Bill as and when the amendments come into force.
Topics: Business

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