Privacy Bill Update: Select Committee Report is out
On 13 March 2019 the Justice Select Committee released its report on the proposed Privacy Bill which will repeal and replace the Privacy Act 1993. The Privacy Commissioner previously lobbied for a number of changes to the Bill but unfortunately the Committee did not give him everything on his wish list. Below is a summary of the key changes the Select Committee has proposed to the Bill and the changes that did not make the cut. KEY CHANGESThe key changes proposed by the Committee are:
NOT INCLUDEDThe Committee did not include the following key changes recommended by the Commissioner:
WHAT’S NEXT?The Bill is expected to come into force on 1 March 2020. FURTHER INFORMATIONFor further information or to discuss how privacy laws may impact on your business, please call or email one of the Jackson Russell business lawyers listed. We will be providing further guidance to our clients when the Bill is passed. Click here to view the Justice Select Committee’s report.
ContactDavid Alizade, PARTNER |